Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Company Limited (President: Yoshio Hishida; hereinafter “SuMi TRUST AM”) is pleased to announce that we will once again participate as a sponsor in the PRI in Person 2024 Toronto, the annual conference of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which will be held in October 2024.

SuMi TRUST AM, under the vision, "Realising opportunities today to ensure sustainable prosperity for tomorrow", believes that fulfilling its role as an asset manager within the investment chain as a signatory institution to the PRI contributes to enhancing the value and sustainable growth of investee companies. This, in turn, maximises the medium- to long-term investment returns for our clients, mitigates downside risk, and ultimately contributes to the realisation of a sustainable society.

Last year, PRI in Person 2023 Tokyo saw participation from 681 organisations and approximately 1,300 attendees from 51 countries, of whom about 70% were overseas asset owners, asset managers and others. SuMi TRUST AM was the only gold sponsor among Japanese signatory institutions, and our President, Yoshio Hishida, participated in a panel discussion.

This year's PRI in Person 2024 Toronto will focus on the theme, "Progressing global action on responsible investment". As one of few Japanese companies, SuMi TRUST AM will participate as a bronze sponsor.

The sponsorship agreement with the PRI Annual Conference underscores SuMi TRUST AM’s commitment to the Principles for Responsible Investment. Through our sponsorship, we aim to further promote responsible investment both in Japan and globally, while striving to maintain and enhance medium- to long-term investment returns for our clients and address societal challenges. We look forward to continuing with our efforts in contributing to a sustainable future.


Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

The PRI, established under the leadership of UN agencies, advocates the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) into the decision-making processes of institutional investors. As of the end of July 2024, the number of signatories has significantly increased to 5,296, underscoring its growing importance. Our company signed the PRI at its inception in May 2006 and has developed policies in line with its six principles. By implementing initiatives based on the latest trends, we have received high acclaim in PRI’s annual assessments.


PRI in Person

PRI in Person showcases leading practices in responsible investment and discusses emerging ESG issues and global trends within the rapidly evolving policy and regulatory framework and environment. As such, PRI in Person is the world’s largest international event on responsible investment, gaining significant attention from stakeholders worldwide for shaping opinions and setting the global direction for responsible investment.


PRI in Person 2023 Tokyo

Prime Minister Kishida opened the event and announced that seven public pension funds were preparing to sign the Principles for Responsible Investment.

The conference also covered the latest topics on responsible investment, emphasising the need to address not only climate change but also natural capital to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Our President, Yoshio Hishida, participated in a panel discussion titled "Climate and Nature: where are we now and what actions can investors take?" He highlighted the importance of addressing climate change and natural capital as well as our company's leadership in stewardship activities.

We at SuMi TRUST AM will continue making contributions to responsible investment and leading initiatives for ESG practices.

PRI Images

Source: PRI, PRI in Person 2023 Highlights:

For more information about our activities at PRI in Person 2023 Tokyo, please refer to the link below: 

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Any enquiries regarding the products should be made to:
Hirofumi Hayashi
Head of Investment Management Department
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XU, United Kingdom
Direct: +44 20 7562 8405
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority
© Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited 2024