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Japan Outlook in H2 2024

Chief Strategist Hiroyuki Ueno and Senior Strategist Katsutoshi Inadome share SuMi TRUST's outlook for the Japanese economy in the second half of 2024.

Market Review for May 2024

In May the Japanese Nikkei 225 and TOPIX indices experienced a minor rebound, rising by 0.2% and 1.1% respectively. In the first third of the month small caps performed above expectations but from mid-May onwards larger names dominated. April-May also saw an increase of 1.6 times in share buybacks compared to the same time last year, this comes amid Japanese companies gaining an increased awareness of returning value to shareholders.
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How To Invest In Japan

[EXTERNAL LINK] In this piece with Forbes Advisor, SuMi TRUST's Chief Strategist, Hiroyuki Ueno discusses the recent rise in Japanese equities and his outlook for the future, touching on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's reforms and the new NISA.